Medical marijuana dispensaries are expected to be in operation by July. But some major issues are facing dispensaries, such as ...
February, 2016
12 February
Actor Woody Harrelson Applies for Dispensary License
Hawaii plans to allow for eight medical marijuana dispensary operators across the islands. Movie star, business owner and marijuana advocate, Woody Harrelson, ...
January, 2016
29 January
Hawaii Lawmakers Enacting Stricter Medical Marijuana Rules
Hawaii has had a medical marijuana program for 15 years. But now, stricter regulations are being thrown on the program. ...
13 January
Hawaii Begins $5,000 Dispensary Application Licensing Process
Hawaii is gearing up for the launch of its medical marijuana program. The state has made the dispensary applications available ...
October, 2015
1 October
Poll: Marijuana Legalization is Good for Politicians
A new survey by Public Policy Polling and commissioned by the Marijuana Majority revealed that Republican respondents believe that states should ...
September, 2015
20 September
Updated: Presidential Candidates’ Stances on Marijuana
The 2016 presidential field is continuing to take shape and some of the candidates have revealed their stance on marijuana legalization. ...
August, 2015
24 August
U.S. Govt Agency Says Marijuana Can “Kill Cancer Cells”
The National Cancer Institute (NCI), which is the federal government’s principal agency for cancer research and training, has confirmed that ...
May, 2015
12 May
Hawaii Legislature Approves Marijuana Dispensaries
The Hawaii Legislature has approved a plan to develop a system of medical marijuana dispensaries throughout the state. The news ...